Saturday, May 30, 2009

Giving and receiving

It is not Christmas or a birthday. Yet the idea of presents can be on my mind at times. I have a hard time sometimes as I relate to others. To shed my shell easily.
The idea of giving of myself in conversation is difficult as I am overwhelmed by the washing of the spume over the beach. I am that pebble that gets assaulted on the beach over and over again. I wish that I could just receive that wave torrent gradually and understand nuances of relationships.
At times, it can be a little overwhelming. I don't know if it is from my neurological difficulties or just stubbornness. I do want to give and receive in a relationship, Lord. Just show me how I can do that better.
And I am sensitive, Lord, for I tickle easily.

You sum it up best as you prepared the brunch in John 21 as you prepared a meal for your disciples after Peter handed you the fish from the net!!!

I am ready to sit down to a meal with you, Lord.

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