Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Roll Calll

A funny incident happened on the Milford Local Woodmont bus this morning. When I boarded the bus and reported that today is Happy Tuesday, I mentioned to Paul that everyone was accounted for. Paul laughed at my comment since he finds my comments to be humorous in a subtle way.
It then reminded me of my school days when I sat in the rows of desks. I usually sat near the front in the first few rows. I would enthusiastically say, "Here" when I heard Scott called out by my teacher. Many students were more shy in responding.

Then I realized today that God does roll call every morning. Yet, I am almost like those shy students who do not avidly address the teacher but mutter something under their breath.

God does demand my obedience out of love and not out of duty. Just as students are in a class to better their lives and need to be present to learn the material, I need to be present in the classroom of life with God as my teacher so that I can handle the world better when I go out it in it And when given the homework assignment, I will have the tools to complete it successfully.

So, here I am Jesus at your feet to do your will.

Your reluctant and repentant Saint,
Row 4 on Planet Earth.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mighty glad that the war with the pipes is over.

My, how I battled bravely with Mr. plunger and the drano with the bathtub drain. It never would gurgle but water sat stagnantly in the bottom of the tub. I read plenty of literature on the web on green products for the environment for the plaumbing industry. And I even battled the plunger in the middle of aisle 20 in super stop and shop. getting the suction cup off the floor. One such bathroom battle failed when younger when the soap dispenser or game center suctioned to the bathtub wall broke up the tile when it was removed.

Now, after having a professional Family Mechanical plumber come thanks to my imagineers management co. all was solved in less than 3 hours.. Just have to get a plug if I want to take a bath. since the internal plunger is gone after rusting out.

the hidden lesson here is to stay on top of plumbing and don't try it on your own.

And keep the pipes clear for Jesus to flow through you, the reader and listener.
To God's still small voice within.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

The first week into Nano Heaven.

Yes, this is the first week of my writing towards 50 thousand words. I am at about 5-1/2 pages worth out of 50. a little behind the game. But I am having fun with my novel and occassional commentary on the process of writing and life.
And recovery from the hangover of 21 months of the national election process. I am glad that it is over. Yet, the job our new president Obama will have is a tough one. Tougher than organizing the community he grew up in. For the communities of the world do not have as clean or clear cut lines.
But back to my writing, I continue to bounce towards 8,000 by the end of tomorrow.

And a good way to celebrate it is to sing Happy birthday , Billy Graham for Friday marks his 90th year on earth and George Beverly Shea's 99th. Amazing what God can do with two humble vessels.